Connie Sumner (Diane Lane) has a loving husband Ed (Richard Gere), a beautiful home,
and a wonderful son, but she wants more. When she's approached one day by a handsome stranger, Paul Martel (Olivier Martinez) while trying to hail a taxi,
she becomes obsessed with him and eventually starts an affair. But her selfish actions soon catch up with her.

otsoNY Comments: The high winds that whipped through SoHo were created by a large engine. This was later swapped for some large fans after residents complained about the noise of the engine every time it started up.

Mercer Street (btw Spring Street and Broome Street) Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: For reasons unknown, another street in New York was also used for the wind scene, typically close ups of Diane Lane and buildings with window shutters. The place in question was Cortlandt Alley.

Cortlandt Alley (btw Franklin Street and White Street) Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: The car park on Mercer Street is no longer there, and has since been replaced by an apartment building.

72 Cortlandt Alley (btw Franklin Street and White Street) Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: The entire apartment building has since been demolished and a new building is now in its place.

Paul Martel's Loft, 70 Mercer Street and Broome Street, Manhattan. |

Grand Central Terminal, 89 East 42nd Street and Park Avenue, Manhattan. |

The Sumner's Home, 250 Rosedale Avenue, White Plains, New York. |

Café Noir, 32 Grand Street and Thompson Street, Manhattan. |

Bleecker Playground, Bleecker Street and West 11th Street, Manhattan. |

East Village Cinema, 181 2nd Avenue and East 12th Street, Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: Diane Lane runs along Mercer Street towards what looks like a book shop as there is a rack of books cleverly placed outside but in fact, there is no book shop and never has been. The scene quickly cuts to the entrance of The Strand bookstore on Broadway.

92 Mercer Street (btw Broome Street and Spring Street) Manhattan. |

Strand Bookstore, 828 Broadway and East 12th Street, Manhattan. |

The original entrance to Strand Bookstore seen here in the late 1990s.
