Jane Goodale (Ashley Judd) has everything going for her. She's a producer of a popular daytime
talk show, and is in a hot romance with the show's dashing executive producer Ray. When Ray unexpectedly dumps her, she begins an extensive study of male behavior
to try to find out what makes men tick. Her "research" leads her to become an overnight sensation/guru for single women everywhere. When Jane begins to use her
womanizing roommate and co-worker Eddie (Hugh Jackman) as fodder for her research, she finds both humor and answers where they were least expected.

Catherine Street and Henry Street, Manhattan. |

Elizabeth Street (btw Prince Street and East Houston Street) Manhattan. |

Cafe Habana, 17 Prince Street and Elizabeth Street, Manhattan. |

Grand Street and Greene Street, Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: This bar has since closed, with the entire block being redesigned.

Hogs & Heifers Bar, 859 Washington Street and West 13th Street, Manhattan. |

Jane's Apartment, 425 West 13th Street and Washington Street, Manhattan. |