Katherine Newbury (Emma Thompson) is a pioneer and legendary host on the late-night talk-show circuit. When she's accused of being a "woman who hates women," she puts affirmative action on the to-do list, and --presto!--Molly (Mindy Kaling) is hired as the one woman in Katherine's all-male writers' room. But Molly might be too little too late, as the formidable Katherine also faces the reality of low ratings and a network that wants to replace her. Wanting to prove she's not merely a diversity hire who's disrupting the comfort of the brotherhood, Molly is determined to help Katherine revitalize her show and career--and possibly effect even bigger change at the same time.

otsoNY Comments: The opening scene shows 575 Lexingson Avenue as the building in which Emma Thompson's character Katherine Newbury works, but cut to the interior shot, and the location has seamlessly changed to the office buildig at 405 on Park Avenue as clearly seen through the office windows.

(Exterior) Office, 575 Lexington Avenue (btw East 51st and 52nd Streets) Manhattan. |

otosNY Comments: This office would appear to be the same office as recemtly used by Steve Coogan in the film 'Hot Air'.

(Interior) Office, 405 Park Avenue and East 54th Street, Manhattan. |

Subway, East 51st Street and Lexington Avenue, Manhattan. |

The Slipper Room, 167 Orchard Street and Stanton Street, Manhattan. |

Mercer Street and Prince Street, Manhattan. |

East 51st Street and Lexington Avenue, Manhattan. |

(Roof) Office, 405 Park Avenue and East 54th Street, Manhattan. |

Molly's Apartment, 41-21 54th Street (btw Skillman Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue) Queens. |