Kate (Meg Ryan) and her actor brother live in N.Y. in the 21st Century. Her ex-boy friend, Stuart,
lives above her apartment and finds this space near the Brooklyn Bridge where there is a gap in time. He goes back to the eighteen hundreds and takes
pictures of the place. Leopold (Hugh Jackman), a man living in the 1870's, was puzzled by Stuart's tiny camera and decides to follow him and they both ended up
in this century. Leopold is clueless about his new surroundings. He gets help and insights from Charlie who thinks that Leopold is an actor who
is always in character. Leopold is a highly intelligent man and tries his
best to learn and even improve the modern conveniences that he encounters.

Kate's Apartment, 88 White Street and Lafayette Street, Manhattan. |

White Street and Lafayette Street, Manhattan. |

Spring Street and Lafayette Street, Manhattan. |

Lafayette Street (btw Spring Street and Kenmare Street) Manhattan. |

Dover Street and South Street (Close to Brooklyn Bridge) Manhattan. |

Cortlandt Alley (btw Walker Street and White Street) Manhattan. |

7th Avenue (btw West 58th and 59th Streets) Manhattan. |

Central Park South and 7th Avenue, Manhattan. |

Greyshot Arch (btw 61st and 62nd Streets) Central Park, Manhattan. |

Restaurant, 12 East 22nd Street (btw Broadway and Park Avenue) Manhattan. |

West Broadway and Duane Street, Manhattan. |

Duane Street (btw West Broadway and Church Street) Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: At the start of the film, Kate is seen exiting her apartment building at 88 White Street, though in
this scene, she has dinner with Leopold on the roof of 130 Fulton Street, also her apartment building.

Kate's Rooftop, 130 Fulton Street and Nassau Street, Manhattan. |

Columbus Circle and West 95th Street, Manhattan. |

Pearl Street and Hanover Square, Manhattan. |

(Exterior) Leopold's Old House, 1 Hanover Square and Pearl Street, Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: This is in fact the Ukrainian Institute of America.

(Interior) Leopold's Old House, 2 East 79th Street and 5th Avenue, Manhattan. |

East River Bikeway (Near Brooklyn Bridge and Dover Street) Manhattan. |

(Near) Defunct Glenwood Power Station and Point Street, Yonkers, NY. |

otsoNY Comments: Kate's apartment is made up of at least 3 locations. As previously mentioned the lower lobby where
she and Leopold exit the building was at 88 White Street; the rooftop dinner was at 130 Fulton Street, and the fire escape scenes with
Leopold and at the end of film on her own were at 42 Ann Street.

Kate's Fire Escape, 42 Ann Street (btw Nassau and William Streets) Manhattan. |

Brooklyn Bridge, Lower East Side, Manhattan. |