For 20 years, Lionel Macomb (Steve Coogan) has been the reigning king of conservative talk radio, delighting his fans and enraging his opponents with his angry charisma and caustic wit. Lionel spends his days ranting about hot button issues from health care to immigration, shaping the shouted debates of a divided nation. And millions listen. Now Lionel is at a crossroads. He seems bent on sabotaging his relationship with Valerie Gannon (Neve Campbell). He's in a ratings war with his former protégé, Gareth Whitley (Skylar Astin), who has re-branded himself as the kinder, gentler voice of the right wing. He's embroiled in a public spat with a powerful senator (Judith Light). He's in danger of fading into irrelevance. When Lionel's sixteen-year-old niece Tess (Taylor Russell) shows up seeking his help with a family crisis, Lionel must confront the complicated family he's long since left behind.

8th Avenue (between West 44th and 46th Streets) Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: In this next scene, Tess, having been allowed to proceed onto the next floor of 7 East 95th Street, the view from the window shows the skyline of Manhattan, even though this building only has 3 floors, which would suggest one of two things. Either this scene has been shot in a different building, though the windows still match that of 7 East 95th Street, or the filmmakers have covered the view from the windows with images of the Manhattan skyline to suggest that Tess is about to enter a penthouse suite.

Lionel Macomb's Home, 7 East 95th Street (btw 5th Avenue & Madison Avenue) Manhattan. |

Office, 405 Park Avenue and East 54th Street, Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: It has been established in the previous scene that Lionel Macomb's office is situated on Park Avenue, and yet when he leaves the building in this scene, he is standing in front of the Flatiron building at 949 Broadway between East 22nd and 23rd Streets.

949 Broadway (btw East 22nd and 23rd Streets) Manhattan. |

Bryant Park, 6th Avenue and West 40th Street, Manhattan. |

The Journal Gallery, 106 N 1st Street (btw Berry Street and Wythe Avenue) Brooklyn. |

Bedford Avenue (btw Grand Street and S 1st Street) Williamsburg, Brooklyn. |

Jacob Wrey Mould fountain, City Hall Park, Manhattan. |

East 10th Street and Stuyvesant Street, Manhattan. |