Henry Griffin (Dermot Mulroney) learnd from his oncologist that his cancer has
spread and that he only has one year, two at most, left to live. This discovery starts him on a journey of self-reflection which includes starting a
novel and taking a psychology class at New York University. In this class, he meets Sarah Phoenix (Amanda Peet). Although Phoenix sends Griffin
the occasional mixed signals, the two team up for a whirlwind of adventurous and almost childlike activities: sneaking into movie theaters,
drinking coffee until sunrise, hopping railroad cars, and more. The two fall for one another, and their relationship deepens when Phoenix reveals that she is also suffering from a terminal disease. Together, they strive to make the most of their last days alive.

26 New Dock Street, Brooklyn. |

Tompkins Square Park, East 7th Street and Avenue A, Manhattan. |

Columbia Heights and Middagh Street, Brooklyn. |

Cafe, Bleecker Street and MacDougal Street, Manhattan. |

Beach, Coney Island, New York. |

Clock Tower, 346 Broadway and Leonard Street, Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: Special thanks to Ellen Williams for helping otsoNY find this location.

Henry's Brownstone, 38 Garden Place and State Street, Brooklyn. |

36 Garden Place and State Street, Brooklyn. |