Sidelined for five years since their spectacular save (an near destruction) of New York City,
the superstars of the supernatural spring back into action when the infant son of single-mother Dana Barrett becomes the target of a powerful demonic force.
Reunited with the no-nonsense Zeddemore, nerdy near-sighted Louis and their ever-industrious secretary Janine, the heroes of the hereafter must put a stop to
an enormous underground river of slime ready to rot the roots of the entire Big Apple. Now, if your hometown was on the verge of being sucked down into the 10th
level of Hell, who else would you call?

East 77th Street (btw 1st and 2nd Avenues) Manhattan. |

Dana's Apartment, 325 East 77th Street (btw 1st and 2nd Avenues) Manhattan. |

East 77th Street (btw 1st and 2nd Avenues) Manhattan. |

1st Avenue and East 77th Street, Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: The opening scene where the Ectomobile races through Manhattan is full of errors in
geography. The vehicle is first seen on Columbus Avenue passing West 89th Street, and then moments later in a completely
different part of town only to be back on Columbus Avenue seconds later and turning left into West 88th Street where
the vehicle comes to halt outside a townhouse, but not as you might think on West 88th Street, but in fact
at number 420 East 78th Street and 1st Avenue.

Columbus Avenue and West 89th Street, Manhattan. |

(Near Ritz-Carlton Hotel) Central Park South and 6th Avenue, Manhattan. |

Broadway (btw Columbus Circle and West 57th Street) Manhattan. |

Columbus Avenue and West 88th Street, Manhattan. |

East 78th Street and 1st Avenue, Manhattan. |

Townhouse, 420 East 78th Street and 1st Avenue, Manhattan. |

Columbia University, Broadway and West 116th Street, Manhattan. |

Ray's Occult Books, 33 St. Mark's Place (btw 2nd & 3rd Avenues) Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: The actual street digging scene where the Ghostbusters are questioned by the police was shot at East 8th Street & South Los Angeles Street in Los Angeles.

1st Avenue and East 77th Street, Manhattan. |

Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse, 40 Centre Street, Foley Square, Manhattan. |

Ghostbusters HQ, 8-14 North Moore Street and Varick Street, Manhattan. |

1st Avenue and East 76th Street, Manhattan. |

2 Whitehall Street and Stone Street, Manhattan. |

Pathway (near Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir) Central Park, Manhattan. |

Hudson Street and Barrow Street, Manhattan. |

Orrefors, 58 East 57th Street (btw Madison and Park Avenues) Manhattan. |

FDR Drive (btw East 36th and 37th Streets) Manhattan. |

Museum of Art, Alexander Hamilton Custom House, Bowling Green, Manhattan. |

Peter's Apartment, 644 Broadway and Bleecker Street, Manhattan. |

North Moore Street and Varick Street, Manhattan. |

Broadway and Bleecker Street, Manhattan. |

Gracie Mansion, East End Avenue and 88th Street, Manhattan. |

Washington Square North and 5th Avenue, Manhattan. |

3rd Avenue and East 14th Street, Manhattan. |

Bus Stop, 3rd Avenue and East 75th Street, Manhattan. |

Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York Harbor. |