Montgomery Brewster (Richard Pryor) is a minor league baseball player. Unknown to him, he had a
(recently deceased) rich relative. In order to test if Brewster knows the value of money, he is given the task of disposing of $30m in 30 days. Brewster isn't allowed
to have any assets to show for the $30m or waste the money in any way. If successful, Brewster gets to inherit $300m. The biggest problem of all however,
is that Brewster can't tell anyone what he's doing, not even his best friend Spike Nolan (John Candy). Add to this the fact that if he fails, two scheming trustees will get their
hands on the money, Brewster's task is not an easy one.

George Washington Bridge, Hudson River, New York. |

Park Avenue and East 40th Street, Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: Though Granville and Baxter office at located at 101 Park Avenue, when the closeup shot shows the
business card, it states that the offices of Granville and Baxter are in fact at 598 Madison Avenue.

Granville and Baxter Office, 101 Park Avenue and East 40th Street, Manhattan. |

Bank, 26 Broadway and Beaver Street, Manhattan. |

5th Avenue and East 52nd Street, Manhattan. |

The Plaza Hotel, 750 5th Avenue and Central Park South, Manhattan. |

773 Madison Avenue and East 66th Street, Manhattan. |

Grand Army Plaza and Central Park South, Manhattan. |

New York County Supreme Court, 60 Centre Street and Worth Street, Manhattan. |

Times Square (Broadway, 7th Avenue, West 42nd and 47th Streets) Manhattan. |